
Didselectpost swift share extension
Didselectpost swift share extension


We will be using react-native-share-menu for android.


I know this should not be hard, but I am new to share extensions. Today I’ll be explaining how to implement sharing images and text from 3rd party app’s to your react native application.


Setup Create a new app extension target by going go File, New, Target in the Xcode menu, then in the. Now we want our content and website link will be shared with our application for that we must have to use AppGroups in iOS. When the user starts my Share Extension and presses the Post button the method didSelectPost is called on the ShareViewController. I’ve been running my Kylo Ben website about video games since October 2016 and this year I decided to start doing a weekly update about gaming news and what I’ve been playing. After struggling and digging, here is a working example. would be nice if someone can confirm this from Apples changelog somewhere.

didselectpost swift share extension

I guess Apple definitely has changed how the share intent list is fetched and displayed on the apps. didSelectPost () This is called after the user taps the Post button and it is here that you upload the content being shared. My objective was to let the user share a web page URL with my own custom app. Even inside my app, I have a function to share my app content with other apps, I dont see my app on the app list to share the content (Im using the share package). Basically I launch my share extension from safari and want to completely dismiss this and return back to the safari view. While trying to get an iOS 8 Share Extension working in the new Swift language, I ran into some issues due to lack of examples and incomplete documentation. Everything works, but I don't know how to dismiss the custom view controller. charactersRemaining is a number which appears on the compose sheet. isContentValid () called every time the content in the compose view changes. Click on the More button to the right of the other share icons and turn on the switch for your extension & then select Done. On the first run, you will need to add your extension to the share sheet. Using xcode, go to File/New/Target and Choose 'Share Extension' Give it a name i.e.

didselectpost swift share extension

It feels like a modal dialog would be open, but there is none. didSelectCancel () called when the Cancel button is tapped. Once the extension starts running, select a photo and tap on the Share button. Select a word or sentence Use 'share' Select my App My App will be opened and the selected text will be inserted like in the Example App (which is good so far) Switching back to Safari Safari will be frozen. A flutter plugin that enables flutter apps to receive sharing photos, videos, text, urls or any other file types from another app.

didselectpost swift share extension

Import 'package:flutter/material.dart' import 'dart:async' import 'package:receive_sharing_intent/receive_sharing_intent.dart' void main ( ) => runApp ( MyApp ()) class MyApp extends StatefulWidget didSelectPost () called when the Post button is tapped.

Didselectpost swift share extension